Have you ever apply for a credit card? I think most of you will answer yes. Credit card nowadays play important roles in our daily financial activities. For example if you want to pay your monthly bills, or just looking other alternatives rather than carrying cash money. The other attractiveness of credit cards is their bonus and reward. This credit card producer usually make a cooperation with several merchant store and giving special bonus or special offer to their members. In simple word, credit card gives you a lot of benefits.
Applying for credit card is somewhere easy and difficult. I say easy if you now already have steady income with your daily jobs. I say rather difficult if you now decide to build and grow your business meanwhile you now do not have steady income yet. A little tips for you if you interested applying for credit card, never make fake statements! Just give your honest answers to credit analyst when they interview you. If you failed for the first try, don't give up, try again and again or you can pick another credit card issuer.
How can we know which credit card is the best? or how can we know which credit card is most suitable for us? This step is important, you can not be wrong in this steps. You can categorized by their interest rate, annual fees, their features and many other parameters. If you are new entrants, try search for interest free credit cards. There are many sources if you want to find credit card comparisons. Just make sure you pick the trusted one! Happy applying credit card... :) |
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